So, what does money mean to you? For most people they see it as a means to pay their bills and maybe get a few extra things, but, to me, that’s not living, that’s surviving. Money is a man-made concept used as a means of exchange. Most people go to work each morning to earn money to pay for the necessities of life like food, clothing, and shelter etc., but for these people, money is a scarce resource. There is very little left over for the extras like vacations, concert or sporting event tickets or anything that truly brings joy to your life. So, choices must be made. Everything you do in life is a choice and those choices are based on your values.
We have all heard the phrase money talks and BS walks. Let’s do some serious talking. Money is the only thing in my life that I truly love and hate simultaneously. I love what money can get for me. It’s a sense of accomplishment using my money to pay down the mortgage and create equity. It’s a sense of joy when I use my hard-earned money for a winter get away to a Caribbean island and it is just plain fun to use my money for my only vice in life, playing poker.
But I also hate money because of what some people will do for it. If someone tells you that money is the root of all evil. Kindly tell them they have misquoted the Bible. Money is NOT the root of all evil, the LOVE of money is the root of all evil. (1 Timothy 6:10). Money is not evil, people are. People will do all sorts of evil things for money. They will kill, lie, cheat, or steal. Gangs and cartels form engaging in gambling, drugs, prostitution and human trafficking. All these negative influences in society are done for one reason, money.
While we are bombarded with negative media stories motivated by money, there are plenty of good things that don’t get the spotlight. There are living saints among us engaging in philanthropy. People donate to charity; people tithe, and while someone may have a profit motive to start up a business, entrepreneurs are positively impacting society by generating employment so its workers can provide for their respective families.
So, what does money mean to me? One word, freedom. I don’t need to be uber rich but I would like freedom to cruise on a Harley, play with my grandkids, and lie on the beach with a good book. I am not there yet, but is helping me get what I truly want out of life. At the end of the day, the best things in life are truly free. Cheers,
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