is proud to announce its performance results for 2024. Exactly 304 stock recommendations were made, and the percentage gains outperformed the percentage losses by a 10:1 margin. Of the 304 total picks, 143 went long and reached or exceeded its 2% goal while 26 picks went short while meeting or exceeding its 2% goal. Combined there were 169 successful picks earning a combined total of 671.07%. Meanwhile, 99 picks went long and did not meet its target. These picks either gained less than 2% or lost up to 3%. Going short, there were 36 recommendations that fell short of its target by earning less than 2% or losing up to 3%. Combined, the unsuccessful picks lost exactly 67%. The gainers outperformed the losers 671.07% to 67% or by a 10:1 margin for a net gain of 604.07%
While 604.07% returns sound amazing, this is only theoretical and would not be achieved for practical purposes. First, this return would only be realized if you put 100% of your portfolio on each pick and if each pick could be done sequentially with no overlap. Neither is the case. We strongly recommend that for diversification purposes and to mitigate your risk, you do not put more than 10% of your portfolio on one pick. Secondly, these picks are not made sequentially. There is overlap. You can easily have 6-10 picks or more in your portfolio at any given time.
If you were to use a 10% diversification factor, and were able to take advantage of every recommendation, you would have a net gain of 60.41%. If you were to buy on margin, your annual return would be between 120 and 180%.
The 304 total picks generated a net gain of 604.07%. That translates to an average of 1.99% per recommendation. This is the goal of this program. To earn 2% per week each week for a year realizing a gain of more than 100% or doubling your money on the markets virtually risk free.
By going to the website , you will see the ten steps that need to be followed without exception to generate these returns. The steps employ several technical analysis tools that have been used for years but are used selectively combined with a modest goal to obtain success.
This is a swing trading strategy. Unlike day traders that buy and sell their positions within the day, swing traders have a slightly longer time horizon between three days and three weeks. On average most of these picks obtain their two percent goal within five days.
Go to the website to sign up for daily emails to get the stock recommendations. It is absolutely free for the first 30 days and then $99/month (USD). You can cancel at any time. We will also send you a spreadsheet showing the 2024 results with the stock pick, when selected, when sold and its result.
While the test data is overwhelmingly positive, there are risks with this type of investing and the author accepts no responsibility for any possible losses.
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