Are you unique? Do you want to stand out or blend in? Do you want to get ahead of your competition in business? Do you want to win? To do all these things you have to stay ahead of the crowd and to stay ahead of the crowd, you must stay away from the crowd.
Sometimes it is easier said than done. We find security with the masses. If we go it alone, we have a fear of being wrong and facing ridicule from friends, family and the public at large. But if you want to achieve great things, you must have the courage of your convictions.
If you look at successful people in all walks of life (sports, business, the arts), they are all willing to stick their neck out. They have a passion for what they do; the have a plan of action; they believe in themselves, and they are willing to go the extra mile. If you do not believe in yourself, how do you expect to convince anyone else?
Going the extra mile is a lonely road because the crowd does not take it. They take the easy road. They do just enough to get buy. The extra mile requires work, discipline, and thinking outside of the box. The masses do not do this. They do things they way they have always been done and are reluctant to change. They do not take risks, and they blame others when things do not go their way.
If you follow the crowd, you are destined for mediocrity and certainly not greatness. The crowd does not have a unique idea; they are the status quo. The crowd is often wrong and has been on some major topics. The crowd believed the world was flat. The crowd told the Wright Brothers that you cannot fly. The crowd did not believe that you could put a man on the moon. The crowd said it was humanly impossible to run a mile under four minutes. Think of all the great things that could not have happened if the achievers listened to the crowd.
At, our goal is to double our money each year on the stock market virtually risk free by swing trading and holding stocks for a two percent gain each week and the crowd be damned. Sign up for the daily email to follow stocks poised for that two percent weekly gain. The email is free for the first month, then $99/month thereafter. Join me for the extra mile and let’s stay away from the crowd to accomplish great things.