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Over the years, right wing talk radio, and the likes of Fox News would be promoting the idea that there was a “War on Christmas”.  They would comment that the actual word “Christmas” was replaced in a more generic, nonreligious manner.  Words and phrases like “Happy Holidays” and “Seasons Greetings” were replacing “Merry Christmas”.  Nativity scenes were removed from government buildings.  Holiday Tree would replace Christmas Tree, and you no longer went to a Christmas Party but a Holiday Party.  They would say by edging Christ out of Christmas you are destroying the true meaning and willfully destroying something is a declaration of war.  This is nothing but flawed logic and utter nonsense.  There is no “War on Christmas”.  There never was.  It was just an artificially concocted scheme by the extreme right to stir the pot and generate ratings.  But how did we get here?  One could argue that it is home grown atheism, but I would argue that it is a growing trend by the politically correct, woke audience to make the holidays inclusive to everyone.  Unfortunately, this too is flawed logic and while trying to appeal to everyone, appeals to no one.

What do you call December 25?  It is called Christmas Day.  It is not called Seasons Greetings Day.  It is called Christmas Day.  Everything you do to celebrate the occasion is Christmas related.  It is a Christmas tree during the Christmas season where you probably go to a Christmas party.  Is that offensive to some?  Well, if peace, love, and joy are offensive to some then let them be offended.

If a Jewish person wished me a Happy Hannukah, would I be offended?  Absolutely not.  I would thank him and wish him a Happy Hannukah too.  If a Moslem wished me a Blessed Eid, would I be upset?  Again, no I would not.  I would return the greeting with peace, love, and joy.  You should always be respectful of others and society should be inclusive to all, but that does not mean you have to sacrifice your principles and values. 

It seems people are always looking for a reason to be offended.  They live in their own bubble and expect the world to cater to them.  They need to grow a pair and realize that there are diverse thoughts, feelings, and opinions on every matter and those ideas will not always coincide with their own.  They have this notion that watering down a perspective for the sake of inclusion will strengthen society.  It does not.  It weakens it.

During this Christmas season we should never forget the one rule Jesus gave each one of us.  Love one another as I have loved you.  From that stems the Golden Rule.  Treat others the way you want to be treated.  I will not disrespect your religious beliefs, so do not disrespect mine.  It is Christmas, plain and simple.  I sincerely wish you, your family and loved ones, peace, love, and joy this Christmas season.  Merry Christmas everyone.



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