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What do you do for a living?  Do you like your job or is it pure drudgery?  If it is a living hell going to work every day, why are you doing it?  The answer is probably money, but are you living a happy and fulfilling life?  If you were in a job you truly hated, and you died tomorrow, what would you think of your life as your spirit leaves your body?  It would not be a life well lived.

You, and only you, are responsible for your happiness.  If you hate your job that much, what are doing to change it?  What do you love doing?  If you do what you truly love, you never have to work a day in your life.  What gives you joy?  What puts that spark in your eye or that spring in your step?   The challenge is putting your passions into an activity that generates an income.  You might love to play golf, but shooting in the low 80’s is not going to get you in the PGA.  You must face reality.  You must tap into your creative mindset that combines your personal skills and passions that can be converted to profits.

I love baseball, but as a teenager I could not hit the curve ball, so I knew I did not have a future in the Major Leagues.  Major League pitchers as rule do not throw mediocre fast balls on the inner half of the plate for me to turn on.  I always wanted to be a pro athlete.  I have it in my heart, my head, bur not the body mechanics.  So, you have to move on.

 I also love poker.  I work on this as a hobby.  I study the game.  I know all about equity, pot odds, playing from position, knowing when to fold, call, raise or go all-in.  I am a force to be reckoned with at the tables and I can honestly say that I have won more than I have lost.  However, at best this is something I can do on the side and not rely on it as primary source of income.  Any money I can make playing poker is a bonus.  But what truly excites me is following the stock market, using technical analysis, researching, writing, and implementing those skills with a swing trading strategy.

I have combined my passions for profits with I love identifying stock charts that meet a pattern showing they are poised for a profitable trade, either going long or short.  I use this for personal investing, but I generate added income with my daily email showing these picks. It is worth every penny because if my picks for the month show a loss, your monthly fee is refunded.  This is an incredible value proposition.

Go to to sign up for the daily email.  It is free for the first 30 days and then $99/mo thereafter.  Here ‘s to finding your passion, doing what you love, and never having to work a day in your life.  Cheers,

